Heat Pump Implementation

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Heat pumps could cut energy usage for space and water heating by 40-60%. In the case of a natural gas retrofit, this represents a significant emissions savings (3.8 tons of CO2e per year for the typical natural gas household). A heat pump uses low emission electricity and refrigerant to warm (or cool) air and water. Rebates of $450-$1500 are available from Lower Valley Energy and low interest financing is available from Energy Conservation Works. This project intends to facilitate use of those rebates and financing options while highlighting the ongoing annual savings that heat pumps provide.  It will also engage contractors on heat pump hot water heaters. 


  • Needs Funding

  • Needs Supporters

Energy Conservation Works has taken the lead on this project. Investment in this project is needed to overcome the moderate to high cost of property owner buy-in and limited interest from necessary trade allies (e.g. HVAC and plumbing contractors, electricians).

Expected Impacts: Heat pump retrofits would reduce energy consumption in all households and significantly reduce emissions from households currently reliant on natural gas. If all 2,685 residential natural gas accounts converted to 100% electric service it would reduce emissions by 9,948 tons of CO2e annually, or 2% of our 2021 emissions.

Synergy with other priorities

  • Jackson/Teton County Comprehensive Plan policy to use energy more efficiently

Potential Partners: 

  • Energy Conservation Works

  • Local trade partners

  • Lower Valley Energy

  • Town of Jackson

  • Teton County 

Potential Funders: 

  • Bonneville Power Administration (Rebates)

  • Energy Conservation Works

  • Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)

  • Bonneville Environmental Foundation

  • Teton County

  • Town of Jackson

  • Philanthropy


Workplace Electric Vehicle Charging


Income Qualified Household Weatherization